Cookie statement

Cookies are small text or number files that are placed on the hard drive of the computer of website visitors. Cookies contain information such as the language preference or shopping cart of the website user, so that he or she does not have to re-enter that information on a subsequent visit to the same website. Some cookies ensure that a website appears graphically correctly, other cookies ensure that a website application works correctly, etc.

1. Why and which cookies are processed on our website?

De Steyger processes different types of cookies on its website, in particular:

Necessary cookies, which are necessary for technical reasons for using the Website.

Functional cookies, which store your preferences on the Website for the purpose of user-friendliness and increase user experience. Examples are cookies that remember your language preference or your shopping cart. 

Analytical cookies, which allow De Steyger to analyze statistical data about the use of the website. By analyzing the number of users of the Website and the navigation of users on the Website, De Steyger can find out which parts are important/interesting or unimportant/superfluous.

Tracing cookies< /strong>, which form a profile of you as a website visitor. Tracing cookies show De Steyger the pages you have visited, the links you have clicked, etc. so that De Steyger can show you personalized offers, advertisements or websites.

Below you will find a detailed list of cookies that we use use on the website:

Functional cookies:

`accept_cookies` => storage cookie preferences, expiration 60 days

`XSRF-TOKEN` => Anti- forgery token, expiration end session.

`de_steyger_session` => Authorization, expiration end session

2.How can you manage these cookies?

You can always disable or block certain cookies via your web browser. Below you will find how to do this for the most common web browsers:

Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer:

Firefox: http://support

Safari: com/nl-be/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

Please note that if you disable or do not accept cookies, you will not be able to use (certain parts of) the Website or not optimally use it. .  

Also keep in mind that you cannot adjust all types of cookies in this way. Certain necessary, functional and analytical cookies cannot be adjusted, because these cookies are necessary to make the Website work or to collect general information about the way users use the Website. In any case, the data that De Steyger collects via these cookies is always anonymous.

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