Privacy declaration

Below you will find the privacy statement of De Steyger (Kathleen Claes), with registered office at Steystraat 133, 3200 Aarschot, registered in the KBO under number 0738.502.570 (hereinafter “De Steyger”).

This statement attempts to provide clear information about how De Steyger handles your personal data when using this website or De Steyger's services. It also provides an overview of the rights you can exercise in this regard and where you can go for more information.

When processing personal data, De Steyger always complies with applicable laws and regulations, and in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679). This means that De Steyger always processes the personal data you provide lawfully, properly and transparently, purpose-related, minimally, correctly and confidentially and that it takes into account the principle of storage limitations.

Lawful, fair and transparent processing: De Steyger always bases its processing on one of the six legal bases provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation.

Purpose-related processing: De Steyger only processes personal data for its specifically formulated purposes.

Minimal processing: De Steyger only processes those personal data that are necessary to achieve its specifically formulated purposes.

Correct processing: De Steyger guarantees that the personal data is correct and if this is not the case, De Steyger will correct it immediately.

Confidential and honest processing: De Steyger handles personal data confidentially and takes data security into account. De Steyger takes appropriate technical and organizational measures for this.

Storage limitation: De Steyger does not store personal data longer than necessary for processing.


Personal data. Personal data is all information about a natural person that makes it possible to identify this person. Examples are the name, email address, IP address and identification cookies. In other words, data from companies is not included here.

Processing of personal data. Almost every action involving personal data falls under the heading “processing of personal data”. This concerns, for example, the collection, structuring, storage, modification, consultation, forwarding, distribution and deletion of personal data.

Data subject. The Data Subject is the natural person who uses the Website or concludes an agreement with De Steyger. The Data Subject is the subject of data processing by De Steyger.

Services. De Steyger makes three spaces available to companies for various activities. De Steyger also organizes workshops, lectures and courses on various topics. Finally, De Steyger operates the website “”.

2.Who is responsible?

Katleen Claes, De Steyger, Steystraat 133, 3200 Aarschot

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Privacy Statement, the processing of your personal data or if you wish to invoke your rights stated in point 7, please contact De Steyger by e-mail or by post at above contact details.

To prevent abuse, De Steyger asks you to (1) convincingly identify yourself and (2) provide a motivation for exercising your rights. If De Steyger wants to be certain about your identity or the validity of your request, De Steyger may request additional information. In this context, De Steyger reserves the right not to comply with a request if there is a valid reason for this. This concerns, for example, requests that are excessive or unfounded, or requests in which you do not sufficiently identify yourself as the data subject.

If you believe that De Steyger has not handled your complaint sufficiently or has wrongly refused a request, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority by e-mail or by post:

Data Protection Authority

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels

tel: +32 2 427 48 00

De Steyger reserves the right to unilaterally change this general privacy statement if its services or applicable legislation so require. De Steyger will communicate any changes to this general privacy statement by means of a separate announcement on 

3.Which personal data are processed and why?

De Steyger only processes sensitive non-sensitive personal data (such as name, date of birth, address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, cookies and surfing and clicking behavior).

These personal data are processed by De Steyger for the following legal grounds and purposes for which it relies on the processing grounds provided for by the GDPR. Examples of such processing grounds include consent, the execution of an agreement, compliance with a legal obligation and legitimate interest.

Personal data: Identification data (name, address, date of birth).

Purpose: To verify the identity of the customer before performing the Services

Legal basis: Execution of an agreement. 

Personal data: Contact details (email address, telephone number)

Purpose: Communication with the customer for the performance of the Services and customer service.

Legal basis: Performance of an agreement, legitimate interest.

Personal data:Financial data (account number, invoice data)

Purpose: Processing payments and invoicing.

Legal basis: Execution of the agreement and compliance with legal obligations.

Personal data: Marketing data (email etc.)

Purpose: Sending (targeted) marketing messages.

Legal basis: Consent.

Personal data:Technological data (IP address, cookies, etc.).

Purpose: Use of the website.

Legal basis: Consent and legitimate interest.

4.To whom are these personal data provided?

De Steyger only passes on personal data to third parties if you give written permission for this, if De Steyger has a legitimate interest in this or if there is a legal obligation to do so.

If the transfer is based on consent, you always have the right to refuse this consent and to withdraw it at any time.

When there is a transfer of personal data to a Processor, De Steyger will provide a processing agreement that ensures that the third party processes this data in a lawful, secure and correct manner, just like De Steyger. In cases where De Steyger itself acts as processor, De Steyger also arranges a processing agreement. In any case, De Steyger only provides data that is relevant, adequate and necessary for the processing.

De Steyger does not transfer personal data to entities in countries outside the European Economic Area.

5.How long are these personal data processed?

De Steyger does not process personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or is required by law. 

Personal data: Identification data, contact details and financial data

Purpose: Maintain customer communication, customer service, handle queries, resolve disputes, fulfill transaction history.

Duration: Up to 2 years after the transaction date

Personal data: Financial data

Purpose: Comply with accounting and tax obligations

Duration: Up to 7 years after the transaction date.

Personal Data: Marketing Data

Purpose: Sending marketing communications

Duration: Until consent is withdrawn.

6.What guarantees are provided when processing these personal data?

De Steyger has taken various appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure personal data and guarantee its confidentiality. This concerns, for example, measures such as access control, two-factor authentication and storing personal data in a secure environment that protect personal data against breaches, loss and unlawful processing.

7.What rights do you have as a data subject?

As a data subject, you have various rights when processing personal data by De Steyger. Please note, however, that the exercise of each right may be subject to certain conditions, restrictions and modalities.

The right to inspect and copy: You have the right to ask De Steyger for a copy of the personal data that De Steyger processes and that relate to you.

The right to improvement and addition: You have the right to ask De Steyger to correct personal data if it is incorrect.

The right to erasure of data: You have the right to ask De Steyger to delete the personal data relating to you when: 

1. The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;

2. You withdraw the consent on which the processing is based, and there is no other legal basis for the processing of your personal data;

3. Your personal data has been processed unlawfully;

4. The deletion of your personal data is necessary to comply with EU law or Belgian law.

You do not have the right to erasure of data when data processing by De Steyger is necessary:

1. To exercise the right to freedom of expression and information;

2. For reasons of general interest in the field of public health;

3. For archiving purposes in the general interest or statistical purposes;

4. To comply with a legal obligation; 

5. For the establishment, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.

The right to limit processing: You have the right to limit the processing of personal data by De Steyger when you believe that the data (1) is incorrect, or (2) when you exercise your right to object. 

De Steyger can then only process your data for the determination of the exercise or defense of rights in court, for the protection of the rights of another person or with your consent.

The right to data portability: You have the right to ask De Steyger to transfer the personal data that De Steyger processes and that relate to you to you or to a third party in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form.

The right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of personal data by De Steyger for reasons related to your particular situation. De Steyger may refuse this if the personal data is necessary for its contractual and legal obligations.

How you can invoke these rights can be found under point 2 of this Privacy Statement.

If you notice or strongly suspect that a data breach has occurred, we request that you contact us as soon as possible (by e-mail, by post or via the contact details on our website), or the Data Protection Authority (Drukpersstraat 35 , 1000 Brussels,, +32 (0)2 274 48 35, or via the contact details on its website

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